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Category: Traditional Tandas


Tanda of the Week 9 (Francisco Canaro Milongas) 2012-05-07

This weeks tanda is a collection of milongas by Francisco Canaro. These three milongas are very spirited. Somtimes you might start with a slower tempo milonga and then build, but in this set I start out right away with a fast milonga. So, if people don't like fast milongas, they will know not to dance this tanda.

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Tanda of the Week: Osvaldo Pugliese from 1956-58

This week's tanda is one of my favorite tandas to dance to by Osvaldo Pugliese. It has everything that makes Pugliese great. These songs are bold but tender, calm and then energetic. To enjoy dancing to his music, you have to be able to enjoy the silence. It is about the moments between the steps.  Many believe that you have to have a large vocabulary to dance to Pugliese, but actually I probably do less when dancing to his music. It is about patience, balance and the connection to your partner.

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Tanda of the Week 4 (Anibal Troilo) 2012-04-02

This weeks tanda is a classic golden age tanda by Anibal Troilo with Francisco Fiorentino singing. The combination of Troilo and Fiorentino is one of the greatest in tango. If you are a purest and absolutely must put 4 songs with singers and can't mix singers with instrumentals then "Yo Soy el Tango" would go great instead of "C.T.V."

Troilo is considered on of the four primary orchestras of Argentine tango including d'Arienzo, di Sarli, and Pugliese. He had a very long career and really contributed to the evolution of tango's sound. In Buenos Aires, you will see statues and paintings of Troilo all over the place and his music very loved by the older dancers. It has a lot of rhythm and strong melodies and gives dancers lots to work with.

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